Apologies for the slightly blurry pic and the sugar-sweet flavour of this post, but these 2 little cards have made me smile every time I've looked at them. These were my Mother's Day cards from the boys.
The colourful one on the right is G's offering - so pretty and his best, most careful writing. Typical, G, though - the words at the bottom say "Warning Flowers may fall off". Ah, bless his soul! My lovely first-born - worrying, as usual. OOOOOOOh I adore that boy!
The green one is from J, featuring a whizzy cut-out lift with all the various buttons. All his own work - carefully ruled lines and his very own choice of words "Thank you Mummy for loving me. Love The Dude". This instantly made my eyes overflow with happy tears - all I want is for him to know that he is worthy and he is loved. So loved. He obviously gets that!
There aren't many pats on the back, financial rewards or cash thank you's in my line of work. These cards, however, are worth more to me than the fattest of bonus.
"Warning, flowers may fall off"
As if we don't already know, eh? (Giggle) Sometimes one day gives the energy for the other 364 - yeah?
Warning: this post may make you cry
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