Wednesday 31 August 2011

Happy Boy, Happy Me!

This time last year, J was terrified of the sea and the waves. Wouldn't go within 50 metres of the water's edge. I love the sea. Surfing (badly) makes me deliriously happy and almost religious, so to see my little man delightedly rushing in and out of the waves is a very, very lovely thing.

The only problem was that we couldn't get him out.....!


Rachel said...

Ahh, that's so lovely! Isn't it wonderful seeing them get so much joy from playing in the water? (I have an 8yr old aspie who absolutely loves water!)

Shrinky said...

What a delicious moment. Oh, the pure joy in his eye!

(Dammit girl, now you've gone and made me cry.)

Anonymous said...

That's the best tonic in the world, N xxx